Since 1982, we have partnered with companies and private equity firms who required in-depth research and insight upon which to build strategic initiatives and decisions.
Chris Campbell, CEO of nxtMOVE
Our latest work, solutions, and innovations related to market research and analysis.
Our client – a credit card services institution – wanted to develop a better understanding of customer experiences and preferences for various free and fee credit card products
A Private Equity firm engaged nxtMOVE to clarify its strategic decisions around its portfolio company – a distributor of aftermarket industrial components
Our Client acquired two brands of non-metallic conduits, and needed an assessment of the brands’ image and perceived value in the marketplace
The Client – a manufacturer of industrial labeling tools and consumables – wanted a holistic view of the North American and European markets for the categories of tools and consumables that it plays in
The Client, a large private equity firm, sees nxtMOVE as a partner in its ongoing portfolio management, relying on nxtMOVE’s expertise to assess potential targets and the health of acquisitions
The Client – a manufacturer of commercial and industrial painting tools – was developing its pricing strategy and needed a better understanding of its share and perceptions in the NA market
A hospital equipment manufacturer engaged nxtMOVE to assess how best to establish a successful direct-to-consumer distribution channel
President & CEO