Acquisition search for cast-resin transformer manufacturer. This engagement was the second phase of a European mapping study of heavy industrial cast-resin transformer manufacturers. Our client was looking to acquire a European manufacturer as part of its global expansion initiative. nxtMOVE performed an acquisition search based on the mapping study and identified several attractive candidates. At the conclusion of the study, the client entered into discussions with one of the target companies.
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Insurance Finance Product Innovation Services Technologies.
Our client – a credit card services institution – wanted to develop a better understanding of customer experiences and preferences for various free and fee credit card products

Industrial Manufacturing Customer Insights Loyalty Retention
A Private Equity firm engaged nxtMOVE to clarify its strategic decisions around
its portfolio company – a distributor of aftermarket industrial components

Industrial-Manufacturing - Brand Performance
Our Client acquired two brands of non-metallic conduits, and needed an assessment of the brands’ image and perceived value in the marketplace